Hello Precinct 36! Issues down Our 2024 ballot. Unwound a bit.
The word ‘politics’ is derived from the word ‘poly’, meaning ‘many’, and the word ‘ticks’, meaning ‘blood sucking parasites’. – Larry Hardiman
Hello, I am Jim Ensign. I also live in your neighborhood south of Prairie school aka precinct 36 and have been a volunteer precinct committeeman for 14 years. Since precincts were redrawn before this election we might be meeting for the 1st time. I hope to earn enough credibility over time for you to consider my election letters and also ponder my linked sources. I post this letter here: LisleGOP.org/p36 so you can easily click to helpful voting links, details and references.
Hear the Other Side: To inspire trust and impartiality our court systems’ seal is often printed with this principle . On the other hand most media today regularly presents one sided talking points. Biased monologues are a hallmark of all spin and propaganda. Luckily, logical people innately form questions about the missing perspectives. Questions like:
What are you NOT telling us? What is the other side? What is your agenda? Who actually benefits from your omition?… and who else? Who is hurt? Why are you so carefully choosing and re-editing these words? How will this one sided version help fund and protect powerful interests like: incumbent politicians, big media, big tech, big money etc.? Who actually has our back?
To seek the conspicuously missing side I often search DuckDuckGo, Yahoo or ask real people with opposing voices. Here I eventually find suppressed perspectives and the angles previously omitted. It takes time but hearing the other side is really telling.
Each election cycle we all suffer “PolyTick” voices but ONLY regarding the top of the ballot. Yet we hear total crickets about down ballot questions (the more local candidates and local issues0. So I’ll try to fill in the “information desert” gaps down the ballot. If I find eye opening relevant links covering under reported perspectives I add that link to the online version of this letter.
Your Local Voting Details. Register to vote Now!
Preview & Print your Pct 36 Sample Ballot. Don’t live in Pct 36? Search here
General Election Day is Tuesday, Nov 5, 2024 from 6:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Our new Precinct (36)’s polling place Grace United Methodist Church 300 E Gartner Rd; Naperville IL 60540
I have wised up! As a result, for the 1st time, I applied to vote by mail, yet I actually Voted Early. Read why smarter conservatives are now requesting vote by mail etc.
Early Voting Hours & Locations Request Vote By Mail Ballot and Ballot Tracking
Ballot items explained and linked:
Surprise!! At the top your 2024 ballot is NOT the Presidential race. Instead there are 3 Illinois Ballot Measures. Hint: they sound fairly good. However. the art of writing ballot measures and ballot Amendments combines the arts of misdirection and spin. I voted No on the 3 Illinois Ballot Measures. (Maybe not for the reasons you’d expect). Leaving them blank is also an option. I explain here.
Next is the federal Candidates. Since you probably know their names and have made up your mind, I’ll skip to the less known candidates. I hope you will consider the terrific candidates listed below. I have met and spoken with them. They are all experienced and invested in their communities. Links to their websites are available at below and/or at www.LisleGOP.org.
Congress: Jerry Evans is a small business owner in Winfield with a young family and sensible ideas.
State Representative: Aaron Porter is a police officer in Willowbrook who is raising his family here in Naperville. He brings the fresh perspective and support for law enforcement that is so needed in Springfield.
DuPage Countywide: Bob Berlin, State’s Attorney and Coroner Rich Jorgensen have been doing a terrific job for many years.
For Auditor, the last four years of numerous financial scandals and lack of oversight have shown how important the Auditor position is. Let’s return Bob Grogan, the only CPA in the race.
Nicole Prater has years of experience in local government and will do a terrific job as Recorder.
DuPage County Board District 5: Patty Gustin is a current County Bd member and long-time Naperville City Council member. She provides proven leadership and experience.
Circuit Court 18th District, 3rd Sub Circuit: Hope Fatima Mercado is an experienced litigator with a diverse perspective.
If you would like a yard sign please email BeckyRudolph5@gmail.com
Ballot Fall 2024 relevant links
President of the United States
Kamala D. Harris DEMOCRATIC PARTY, Tim Walz (Running mate)
Donald Trump REPUBLICAN PARTY J.D. Vance (Running mate)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. INDEPENDENT Nicole Shanahan (Running mate)
Federal U.S. House from Illinois District 11
Bill Foster (Incumbent) DEMOCRATIC PARTY
STATE OF ILLINOIS House of Representatives from District 41
Janet Yang Rohr (Incumbent) DEMOCRATIC PARTY ( UN OPPOSED)
Illinois 3rd District Appellate Court (Davenport’s seat)
Linda E. Davenport (Incumbent) DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Illinois 3rd District Appellate Court (Holdridge’s seat)
William Holdridge (Incumbent) NONPARTISAN
Illinois 3rd District Appellate Court (Hettel’s seat)
Illinois 3rd District Appellate Court (Lance Peterson’s seat)
Lance R. Peterson (Incumbent) DEMOCRATIC PARTY
DuPage Forest Preserve Referendum I am voting YES to this one. I have experience with local park budgets and accountability. I feel the refurendum is honestly worded and the link above is a fair accessment of what they are asking. Basically user visits are way up and the ask is for funding acomodating services for users. The funding is fixxed. The details of each budget are posted and approved annually. They employ the right kind of staff to make wise decisions on the needed new amendities.
P.S. Half of the registered Republicans in DuPage County skip any single election. Nationwide 50 million+ christians do not vote. Umm, that means Christians still should be the deciding voting block in EVERY election. A friend sent me this video. She pointed out how rare it is for pastors to weigh in on electons. This video started by revealing exactly how deplatforming Pastors was engineered and whom that serves. Then this pastor boldly clears up alot about the the bible, elections and related US laws and policy. It is fastenating and also very helpful. Despite our fears this is a realsitic appeals to us… to vote wisely anyway for sinners like us.