How is early voting early a Win Win?
Voting Early saves you time!
1st your candidates and party can see who voted so they focus less time and energy on you (and focus more on those who haven’t voted. That means that once you voted you get many less Election phone calls from any party. Also candidates can and will focus their time and funds on those who wait to vote.
In-person Early Voting will take place from Sept 26 – Nov 2 at the Naperville Municipal Center and see here for more DuPage Couonty Early voting Locations. Additional locations open Oct 19 – Nov 4. VBM ballots may be requested through October 31, 2024.
Why did I also request a vote by mail ballot? I am not suggestion that you vote Twice but many worry there is minimal security around who gets thier vote by mail ballot. So I made sure it is mailed to me so I can insure that I am the ONLY one who receives my vote by mail ballot. Once my ballot comes I can also get the piece of mind from tracking my own ballot’s status online. In DuPage County we just use: Sign Up for Ballot Tracking.
Finally, half of all republicans in DuPage County will failt to vote in any election. Likely something happend to thier schedule. So if you have your balllot and something changes in your schedule you can still vote! It pays to think ahead and manage all possible risks to your valuable vote!